
Showing posts from August, 2021

Ba Hons Fashion Promotion And Communication

This will help you when pursuing a career in a range of fashion industry related roles. Get the foundation of skills and knowledge you need for a 8d music future career in health care by studying our new T-level course. Gain a nationally-recognised qualification equivalent to three A-levels as well as substantial real-world work experience during your studies. ‘Top up’ your existing qualifications for a full BA degree on our one-year Sports Management course. Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Mphil, Phd Students will respond to briefs (which may include industry / live briefs) developing fashion concepts from primary research and the design development process through to final prototype garments, specifications and professional portfolio projects. The briefs require exploration and innovation whilst also responding to defined markets and/or consumers. This unit builds on and extends code coda the knowledge and skills developed in Fashion Cultures 1 and 2. Students have oppor...